Change management is a key part of talent development and organizational growth today. Heraclitus once said, “There is nothing permanent except change.” Organizations need to constantly evolve – if they don’t, they will become irrelevant and eventually, extinct.
As leaders and employees, we not only need to navigate through change, but we also need to role model it for others, to inspire them to embrace the change too. Most change initiatives fail because we are unable to fully understand its impact, on people and organization.
Here is the HOW you have been looking for – ATD’s Change Management Certificate in partnership with C2C-OD exclusively in India!
Developed by Association for Talent Development (ATD), a world leader known for its cutting-edge courses, the acclaimed ATD Change Management Certificate (in-person by ATD Certified Facilitators) explores the process of facilitating organizational change, introducing the ATD CHANGE model, a strategic and tactical tool to guide you through the process of leading and influencing change for your organization or your clients.
Aligned to the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) standards, ATD Change Management Certificate illuminates the knowledge and skills defined in the change management capability of the Talent Development Capability Model™.
With a step-by-step approach and plenty of supporting tools, resources and case studies, this program will see you become ready as a change leader who is prepared to navigate the personal and organizational dynamics of change in today’s complex work environment.
This program is designed for business leaders, people managers, L&D, HR, and anyone responsible for facilitating or implementing organizational change, or working with change teams, and change consultants.
ATD Change Management Certificate participants have found it to be ‘highly relevant to the modern work dynamic’ and a ‘hands-on learning experience that can be effectively applied to real-world scenarios’.